

东莞市艾能炬机械有限公司,作为一家高端数控深孔钻机床生产厂家。我们延续了全球深孔钻机床制造工艺精髓,在此基础上我们不断创新,经过多年的积累,逐进形成了公司独有的技术。从以往用户购买现版机型,转变为根据用户产品工艺需求定制,进一步提高用户制造技效,公司技艺成长更加紧密地与新精工业制造融合在一起。我们所生产的数控深孔钻机床,不仅改变了钻深孔的效率,还改变了深孔工艺的趋向。 Dongguan TG-ANG Machinery Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer of high-end CNC deep hole drilling machine, we inherited the quintessence of DHD machine tool building workmanship from the globe, and keep innovating and accumulating for years, gradually we have obtained our special technologies. We have turned our business type from the exsiting models into customize according to the customer’s productive requirements, which improved their productivity .and our growing technology connected with modern industrial manufacturing. The CNC deep hole drilling we build has changed not only the efficient of deep hole drilling , but also changed the trending of workmanship of the deep hole drlling technology.

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